Crisystec Sentry v3 - The World`s No1 Most Advanced Security Suite
Released on = November 23, 2006, 2:44 pm
Press Release Author = Critical Systems Technologies, Inc.
Industry = Software
Press Release Summary = CrisystecSentry, worlds most advanced security suite easy to use powerful system
Press Release Body = Critical Systems Technologies 1133 Broadway Suite 706 New York NY USA 10010
Press Release For Immediate Release: Contact: James Lansdown, Phone: 001212-714-7115
CrisysTec Sentry v3.0: The World\'s No.1 Most Advanced Security Suite Critical Systems Technologies, Inc. has released, on 21st August 2006, version 3.0 of CrisysTec Sentry, the world\'s most advanced security suite. CrisysTec Sentry is an easy-to-use powerful and flexible data cleaning system for a single-user Windows PC. Daily use protects you from unwanted data becoming permanently hidden in your PC. CrisysTec Sentry takes care of all of your privacy concerns. With state-of-the-art multiple-auto-stealth, only you would know Crisystec Sentry is working in the background collecting sensitive data and destroying it LIVE while still maintaining your privacy. Securely delete your Web Tracks by Overwriting the Data to a Standard Defeating US Department of Defense file destroying standards, for destruction of classified data, that can stop both software and hardware tools from recovering data. Once data is destroyed with CrisysTec Sentry, it is gone forever and can not be recovered. Cleaning up the history of your activities can be a time consuming process, having to manually remove each history file or entry - and it actually won\'t help! What is Improved in CrisysTec Sentry v.3.0:
- Windows \"delete\" button and the \"empty recycle bin\" - Crisystec Sentry one click solution - Safe /Secure and permanent destroy file/folders features - Clean surfing traces - Privacy and free disk space maintenance - Customization Options for new product version:
You need CrisysTec Sentry. This software, CrisysTec Sentry will also clean and boost your Windows system whilst recovering valuable hard disk space and it comes preconfigured to destroy the most common privacy violations. CrisysTec Sentry, comes with a very attractive, XP style interface and is very simple to use.
CrisysTec Sentry v3.0 can be downloaded from
It can also be bought online from:
Web Site =
Contact Details = Address: 1133 Broadway, New York USA
Phone Number: 0012127147115 Email:
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